Monday, October 3, 2011


The last few days have been intense, interesting, and simply exhausting.  Last Thursday night at BCM, we continued our study through the book of Colossians, and it was a joy to study and teach about the ministry God entrusted to Paul and how he prayed so earnestly for people he never even met yet people who he loved dearly.  He had heard about them and he cared for them, so he petitioned God on their behalf even in the midst of his struggles.  

On Friday morning, a member of our campus community became very ill and over the course of the weekend, his condition deteriorated.  Today he lays in the hospital and no one knows what to do.  What the students have been doing, however, is praying.  Saturday evening, a group of students invited me to a time of prayer in the student's dorm room and they petitioned God on the student's behalf.  They cried out for healing, but the most important and most consistent prayer was for God's glory in the entire situation.  Students recited Scripture and prayed that God would heal, that God would comfort the family, and they prayed that God would receive glory.  I was floored to hear such prayers, yet I was so encouraged by their faith in Jesus.

On Sunday evening, we had a larger gathering to pray for the student.  Student after student prayed and talked to the God of this universe and petitioned that He might heal this ill student.  Again, I was amazed at the prayers of these students crying out to God and begging for Him to move.  Yet the agreement in faith was:  HE IS MIGHTY TO HEAL, but HIS WILL NOT OURS.  In the midst of brokenness, sadness, and sickness, students honestly crying out to their creator - God do what you want - we want you to heal, but if not, may you STILL be glorified in all.  It was an incredible time to share with students and a time where I was reminded of how awesome it is to live life with these students.  

We are still praying for the student to be healed, but my prayers have also shifted to - Lord, may our campus see a revival, may students pursue You Lord like never before, may they truly desire to see your glory in every situation.  May we cry out and petition you for the salvation of those who do not know you.  Oh, how incredible it would be, to see students continue in their desperation for the Spirit of God in all things.  I ran across the video last Feb. and I was reminded of it today, and I thought I would share it.  May we be like Paul and pray diligently and faithfully for people!

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