Friday, February 21, 2014

What God has taught me through CrossFit part 5: humility

Growing up, my parents always encouraged my brother and I to be active.  While we dabbled in neighborhood sports from street hockey to basketball, our love was soccer.  In fact, we loved soccer so much that we never participated in another team sport until I played high school football my freshman year.  However, athletics were always a part of my life and I would consider myself to be an athletic individual.   Like many athletes, I have struggled over the years finding my identity in sports and results.   As you succeed at something, it becomes more and more of a challenge to remain humble.  However, with CrossFit, God has continued humble me, and He has also taught me the value of HUMILITY.  In making this statement, I am in no way declaring that I have figured this thing out – I haven’t.  I'm simply saying, God has been challenging me and teaching me lessons about the value of humility and often times crushing my pride.  There is still pride to be crushed!

A year ago I walked into CrossFit with “confidence” about my ability to complete workouts.  However, within a few hours of foundations class, I soon learned I had so much to learn and so much room to grow.  In fact, by that Friday, I had realized I was weaker than I thought I was and I was certainly fatter than I thought I was.   During that first week I remember seeing a sign posted about the “box rules.”   One specific rule caught my eye.  It stated, “Check your ego at the door.”  At first I thought this was simply an encouragement so the community could get along.  However, what I soon learned was that this is necessary for every individual if you want to last at CrossFit.  You see I believe if you go into the box everyday with your ego intact, you simply will not last.  Why?  CrossFit is HARD, and it really doesn’t get easier. There is always more weight to life, better techniques to learn and master, a faster time to run or row, and more reps and rounds to complete – it does not end!  Each and every WOD will leave you wondering what you got yourself into and how in the world you are going to show up tomorrow.  The WODs that appear easiest are often times the hardest.  What I have learned is that if you don’t check your ego at the door, CrossFit has a way of helping to humiliate you and crushing your pride.  That is why you will not last in your pride.

It is amazing to watch humility in action as well.  What I have witnessed at our box is that the best athletes – the best lifters – the best competitors are often times the ones that display the most humility.  Humility displays itself in so many ways, and it is beautiful to watch and learn – these athletes listen.  They ask questions.  They want to learn.  They are teachable and moldable.  All of this screams – I have not arrived but I want to grow - I want to get better.  Additionally, these folks often are quick to answer my questions or others’ questions.  They are not about hoarding what they have learned.  They are about seeing everyone grow.  Granted, this is not true of everyone, but I can honestly say I have seen it firsthand and it is beautiful!

This humility and willingness to learn is exactly what we see in many of the disciples in Scripture.  As Jesus first called His disciples, he didn’t call people who had it all together.  The world looked at the original disciples as unlearned men but they were teachable and even though they were extremely slow to learn some lessons, we do see a willingness on their part to confess their need.  Jesus can use anyone who wants to be used, but wanting to be used displays itself in humility.  Often times, our attitude is the opposite.  We want to be used, so we declare what proficiencies we have or what we bring to the table.   Instead of displaying humility we exude arrogance.  In our arrogance, often times, we stunt our own growth.  We spin our wheels because we want to flex our muscles, when Jesus says, humble yourself and I will use you.  Several Scriptures have been encouraging me in this area:

1 Peter 5:6  “Humble yourselves, therefore, under the might hand of God so that at the proper time he may exalt you.”

Matthew 23:12 “Whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be exalted.”

Philippians 2:3-11 “Do nothing from rivalry or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others. Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus, who, though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, but made himself nothing, taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men.”

I am so thankful that God has allowed me to experience CrossFit over the last year and I am extremely thankful for the coaches who have poured into me so faithfully.  Nick, Cindy, Colin, and Kelly helped me begin my journey and Steve and Bill have helped me continue over the last several months.  I appreciate these people so much, and I would highly recommend you considering whether CrossFit might be for you.  It has been an incredible year of growth and learning and I am looking forward to embracing the next year!

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